For over a decade, I have specialized in fine art lifestyle photography, capturing the unique narratives of families through their hobbies and shared themes. My approach often involves collaboration with special effects artists, allowing us to bring imaginative visions to life.
As a birth photographer, I have witnessed the profound beauty inherent in each birthing experience, whether joyful or challenging. One poignant moment underscored the impact of trauma on labor progression, highlighting the importance of awareness in on-call birth work. This experience inspired me to prioritize life coaching and parental support within my professional practice.
With certifications in various disciplines, I embraced the philosophy of The Buddha Doula as a commitment to support clients on their spiritual journeys. This path has led me to assist survivors in healing, break cycles of abuse, and transform generational parenting practices, empowering individuals to reclaim their autonomy.
My diverse experiences inform my artistic vision, enriching my work in ways that resonate deeply with my mission.
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